Summer Sweet Spot For Your Thermostat While You’re On Vacation.
One of the bigger debates among homeowners when preparing to depart is “thermostat on or thermostat off?” This is a common conversation that many homeowners have when leaving the house.
Unless you have a programmable thermostat, turning your thermostat completely off is not a good option for any Florida homeowner.
Inside heat temperatures can raise well into the 90’s leaving your home susceptible to mildew and mold spores.
Florida residents who travel during the cooler months may be able to depart leaving their thermostat on “auto” mode keeping the air circulating but this is not the best option if traveling during the summer months.
According to Energy Experts at Florida Power & Light Company the ideal temperature while away should be around 80 degrees for a manual thermostat.
A benefit of having a programmable thermostat is that the temperature during the day can be set to as high as 88 degrees and cooled gradually during the nighttime hours. This being said no pets were at home at this time of vacancy. If pets are in the home 80 degrees may not be suitable for all indoor pets.
The “sweet spot” temperature for summer savings while your away is 80 degrees! Enjoy your summer vacation from All Star Heating and Air Conditioning!